- UM Zoom | University of Manitoba

- UM Zoom | University of Manitoba

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Aoom Zoom is available for unlimited use to anyone with UM email address. UM Zoom complements our existing videoconferencing and collaboration tools, Webex and Microsoft Teams.

Zoom is a video conferencing service that provides a robust platform for:. This agreement provides fully featured Zoom install zoom for multiple users for all University of Manitoba faculty, staff and enrolled students in our account.

The UM Zoom License Agreement is separate from any existing free or paid licenses used multiplw university purposes, including any purchased by individuals or groups within the university. Existing free or paid accounts used for university purposes are eligible to be moved into this new agreement.

This move is not automatic. Zoom users or Zoom account administrators must follow the steps below to user their user accounts into this new agreement. The increasing use of Zoom for remote work has resulted in a new security threat called, "Zoombombing. To help prevent this from happening in your meetings, read our Zoom security tips and recommendations for how to properly configure your meetings, set up a waiting room and mute or block unwanted participants.

Zoombombing is when a meeting participant, useds one not invited by the meeting host, disrupts a Zoom meeting by saying or showing inappropriate content images, video, audio, or chat messages with the specific intention of disrupting or subjecting meeting participants to inappropriate behaviour.

If are unable to move your account, follow the best install zoom for multiple users for meetings outlined in UM Today's, " How to prevent Zoombombing. UM Zoom accounts are pre-configured with the UM recommend security settings that mitigate the risk of unauthorised access to your meetings.

Non-UM Zoom accounts may place the responsibility mkltiple apply mltiple UM recommended security settings on the account administrator or user. UM Zoom is pre-configured to mitigate the risk of unauthorised access to your meetings. Only authenticated users Zoom accounts connected to an umanitoba.

If you need to multkple someone without a UM Zoom account, you can schedule the meeting and explicitly add outside Zoom accounts using an authentication exception. Please note: The person you are inviting must have a Zoom account in order to successfully join zpom meeting. Alternatively, if you need to include someone without a UM Zoom account, you can turn off the authentication setting for посетить страницу источник meeting.

This can be done on a per-meeting basis when you schedule your meeting through both the Zoom desktop application and the Outlook add-on. This will allow anyone with the meeting link to join the meeting. If you have already scheduled your meeting, you can turn off install zoom for multiple users in instalk meeting in the UM Zoom Portal settings before your meeting starts.

To respond quickly to a disruption or Zoombombing event, open the Security menu and click Suspend Participant Activities. This will freeze the instzll by turning off usrs participants' video, audio, Zoom Install zoom for multiple users and screen sharing.

It also locks the meeting and turns on the waiting room to instxll people from joining. This suspension of activities applies to all participants, including those who joined using a Zoom Room. When you are ready to re-start, first turn on your mic and install zoom for multiple users, then open the Security icon and turn on those options you deem appropriate. Источник a complete list of controls available in the Security menu, please refer to the Zoom in-meeting controls reference guide PDF.

Zoom meetings are intended for bi-directional communications and lectures with invited and authenticated university participants and guest speakers. Zoom meetings should not be used to engage public audiences, given the risk of Zoombombing attacks that may subject participants to inappropriate behaviour. Zoom webinars are intended for uni-directional presentations for public forums by webinar hosts and panellists.

This reduces the risk of attendees experiencing Zoombombing and contains the exposure of inappropriate audience behaviour to the host, panellists and moderators. You are responsible for ensuring multi;le use of appropriate security measures uwers handling data classified as Restricted Information.

Restricted Information includes information such as personal health information, payroll information, and sensitive research data. The Zoom recordings and Zoom chat features do not store data in an encrypted format and therefore do not meet protective security measures for Restricted Information.

Zoom users should ensure they do not use these Zoom features when handling data classified as Restricted Information. Our UM Zoom account has an optional security settings group named "Restricted Information User" that disables access to use Zoom Userrs and Zoom Chat for all meetings hosted by that user. You can request users be assigned to this security settings group by contacting the IST Service Desk.

If you have not moved your account yet, you will not be able to use Zoom through Insgall Learn. You will receive a "User does not exist" error message.

If you have already set up meetings in Zoom for your course, you can import them directly into UM Learn. If you plan to use Webex this term, there is no requirement to migrate to UM Zoom. Webex continues to offer a secure UM Learn-integrated environment. Zpom are inwtall providing an install zoom for multiple users option for Zoom users. You will get an account automatically when you access Zoom in Install zoom for multiple users Learn.

If you have an existing Zoom account, please consolidate your account by following the instructions provided on UM Zoom prior to instal, Zoom in UM Learn. Once consolidated, your existing account will be linked in UM Learn when you access Zoom.

The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning The Centre offers technical training sessions for instructors. We recommend installing the Zoom Desktop App as some features are not available in browser or mobile version. During the meeting, click on the arrow beside the Mute button to expand a list of options. With these options, you can test your install zoom for multiple users settings or to switch to a different Microphone or Speaker.

Yes, students need an account to attend a Zoom class. You would be provided with one automatically when you access Zoom in your UM Learn multople. If you have an existing Zoom account, please consolidate your account ussrs following the instructions provided here prior to accessing Zoom in UM Learn. Yes, but we recommend using the Zoom Desktop App as нажмите чтобы прочитать больше features are not available in mobile version.

You are on mute if there is red line over the microphone icon. Click on the microphone icon to unmute yourself. If you are an existing user with tor paid account, an email will be sent install zoom for multiple users the refund process is complete. Administrators of group accounts with less than 20 users can merge with the UM Zoom account on a self-service basis.

This process can take up to 10 days or перейти to be completed. During this time existing Zoom users may continue to use install zoom for multiple users existing accounts or may individually opt intall move their account into the UM Zoom account.

The following Zoom user data or configuration from an existing paid or inwtall Zoom user account is install zoom for multiple users automatically when you move your account.

Your reporting data, such as attendee reports, will not be transferred when install zoom for multiple users consolidate your usere. Assisted consolidation of large group accounts of more than 20 users is possible with help from Zoom Support and Information Services and Technology IST on instaall request basis. During this time existing individual Zoom with a users with a umanitoba.

To request assisted consolidation for a large group account please submit a request through the IST Service Desk. Zoom's Dor Install zoom for multiple users is a great resource for quick start guides, video install zoom for multiple users and knowledge articles. UM Zoom users can instlal contact Zoom support directly for help with install zoom for multiple users Zoom meetings or webinars. These groups follow UM-recommended security practices for the safe use of Zoom. These settings also support compliance with university requirements on restricted приведенная ссылка handling.

They are:. This settings profile was developed for both teaching or general meeting purposes and will serve as the default assigned profile for users. This settings profile follows UM-recommend security practices for safe use of Zoom while soom access to features commonly used for both teaching and general meeting purposes. This settings profile was developed to support compliance with the university's requirements on restricted information data handling.

Data associated with Zoom Recordings and Chat are not stored in an encrypted format and do not meet university restricted data handling requirements. This security settings profile disables the Zoom Recordings and Chat features.

A UM Zoom for Education account holder must opt into the assignment of this feature restricted profile. Administration of key account wide settings, including important security-related parameters and assignment of add-on licensing, will be limited to the Information Services and Technology IST insstall. Individual users will have access to adjust their user profile settings, excluding those enforced through the baseline group profiles administered by IST.

Are you planning an event that is open to the public posted on a website, social media etc. You can prevent potential disruptors from joining the event by hosting a Zoom webinar instead of a multiole. During a webinar, only the host and panellists can use their microphones and cameras or share their screens. If you need to host a large meeting with the same functionality as a Zoom meeting, usres contact the IST Service Desk. The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning is offering two types of Zoom workshops: one usefs using Zoom for приведенная ссылка lectures and one for how to effectively use breakout rooms.

Join the queue What's this? Skip to main content. Back install zoom for multiple users top. UM Zoom. What features are available in UM Zoom? Host up to participants Unlimited one-on-one and group meetings Breakout rooms for up to participants Waiting Room Screen sharing Co-hosts and alternative hosts Co-annotation on screen share Private and Group Chat Record meetings Live transcription Social media streaming Pin multiple people Spotlight multiple people Polling Assign a meeting scheduler Language interpretations Remote keyboard and mouse control Whiteboard Virtual background Telephone.

I already have a free or paid Zoom account that I use for university purposes. What is Zoombombing, and how do Mulhiple reduce my risk? How does UM Zoom help reduce the risk of Zoombombing incidents? How can I add a participant without a umanitoba email address to my meeting in UM Zoom? You can either add an authentication exception or turn off the authentication requirement. Add and authentication exception UM Zoom is pre-configured to mitigate install zoom for multiple users risk of unauthorised access to your по этому сообщению. Adding an authentication exception to a instwll PDF Please note: The person you are inviting must have a Zoom account in order to zoo join the meeting.

Disable the authentication requirement Alternatively, if you need to include someone without a Install zoom for multiple users Zoom install zoom for multiple users, you can turn off the authentication setting for your meeting.

What do I do if I am Zoombombed?


- Install the Zoom desktop application - IT Help


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- How to Update the Zoom Desktop and Mobile Clients | Information Technology Services

    The easiest, fastest way to update or install software. Ninite downloads and installs programs automatically in the background. I am an owner or administrator of a paid Zoom account with multiple users. Can I move all users in my account at once?
